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What do you imagine when you hear or read the word slime? I imagine some of you would think of the ooey-gooey messy type of slime. Or possibly the ASMR pink, fluffy, satisfying type. For those of you, whose idea of slime is something negative and not satisfying at all, I can’t emphasize more what you’re missing out on. The objective of this article is to explore some of the many mental health benefits of this incredible material. Maybe, by the time you're done reading it, you'll be excited to explore them for yourself. 


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I'm sure by now you're wondering, but how can a substance like a slime help with mental health? According to licensed therapist Katie Lear who uses slime therapy in her work with both adults and children, "I find that even the most withdrawn, hesitant children in my office are captivated by slime. It’s the great equalizer: kids of all ages love it,” she clarifies. “Slime is a form of sensory play: play activities that engage all five senses. Sensory play is a grounding experience for children, helping them to develop an awareness of their bodies, become more mindful, and focus on something outside of themselves and their worries.”


In addition, Lear mentions, “I sometimes hear that adults feel a little embarrassed by their interest in slime or other sensory play, but these sensory experiences don’t have an age limit. Lots of mindfulness practices for adults focus on awareness of our

five senses. I keep lots of sensory toys like slime and sequined pillows in my office and find that adults are as drawn to them – if not more so – than kids.”

The main purpose of slime is to calm your nerves — think of it as a stress toy. It is a basic yet efficient object which helps you to destress while handling it.  You can hold the slime in your hand and squeeze as many times as you'd like or stretch, poke, and twist it repeatedly, over and over again. While your brain gets a break from all the stress, it produces endorphins, which are pain relievers, and these assist in improving your mood. Countless people have indicated that this process is highly therapeutic and joyful for both adults and children.


So what are you waiting for? Go to the nearest store, buy the first slime you see, and take part in this wonderful, stretchy, relaxing experience!

by michi

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