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     Like most seniors, since the start of the school year my days have been filled by worries and endless work on college applications. It is a tough process, demanding much from students. The academic parts can be done automatically, but once you reach the essays, it's suddenly not so easy – especially with the Personal Statement. You simply can't just type out 600 words detailing your personality, accomplishments, and virtues in a day. For me, this essay has been one of the hardest things I've ever had to write. These 600 words will change my future, they will define where I will spend the next 4 years. The whole thing feels contradictory: the internet and college counselors provide us with endless templates and tips on how to make our essays pop, while the colleges themselves simply state that they wish to know us better. With this in mind, I created this series of drawing depicting my feelings as I try to write my personal statement. I hope some of you can find comfort in them, maybe seeing a representation of your own worries. 

the personal statement.

by manuela a.

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